City of Prospect - Engagement Hub Platform

Case Study: City of Prospect

The City of Prospect has utilised the Engagement Hub platform to conduct community engagement and consultation initiatives over the past five years. Notably, we have used the platform to manage the consultation component for a major project, the redevelopment of our administration centre, library and community hub.

Our Residents

The platform is well laid out and easily navigated by users. We have not received a complaint or query from our residents having difficulty finding their required information or any challenge to contribute their thoughts and comments for our projects.

Our Staff

The simplicity of set-up, operation and report generation is quickly learnt and operated by most of our project staff, without the need for specialist communications expertise. As a small council, there is an expectation for project staff themselves to complete the required consultation; the simplicity of Engagement Hub is one of its features.

We have found the Engagement Hub staff to be very responsive to occasions when we have needed support with the platform; they have always provided timely responses and provided a high standard of professional help.

Our experience of the Engagement Hub staff is that they are competent and experienced engagement specialists. The staff have enthusiastically provided practical and useful support and advice for both set-up of Engagement Hub for our projects, and more broadly, they have been able to give advice and support for other aspects of our community consultation efforts.

Our Budget

Another of the features of Engagement Hub is its value for money; it is easily one of the better-priced online engagement platforms. The simplicity of its layout and operation is reflected in its cost, while also meeting the high exceptions of our residents for informative and engaging community consultation opportunities.

View the City of Prospect Engagement Hub here.

City of Prospect Engagement Hub Platform

Read more about how simple it is to manage, the benefits, reporting, security and more.

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