Whether you subscribe to a starter, standard or premium licence, the Engagement Hub team is here to assist you in achieving the best out of your software.
Our technical online helpdesk provides you with tailored support and our online knowledge centre allows you 24/7 access to articles, quick guides, interactive training and information on all the software features.
In addition to our software licence packages, you can always access additional support and advice for any large projects, complex consultations or project build outs.
Our extensive reporting systems allow you to easily view how users are interacting with your project, enabling you to segment, communicate and continually further your engagement.
For more information on our software and support options, download our detailed brochure now
Balmain, NSW, Australia E: info@engagementhub.com.au P:+612 8007 4277
© Engagement Hub (My Business App Pty. Ltd.) 2022. All Rights Reserved