stakeholders connected with different software ideas

Effective Stakeholder Analysis- stakeholders are the core of your planning

Stakeholder analysis is effective when stakeholders are at the centre of your project planning. Involve stakeholders early, involved deeply and continually communicated with.

Similar to identifying communication channels to reach an audience, when undertaking community consultation it is vital to understand the most appropriate engagement methods to:

  1. Attract your desired stakeholders to participate
  2. Drive high-level engagement
  3. Deliver quantitative and qualitative feedback with is ‘useful’ to the decision-making process

Basically a combination of engagement methods which works for one project, may not give desired results for all the projects. Effective stakeholder analysis means taking an individual approach every time.

Identifying and analysis of your different stakeholder groups must occur prior to determining your communication and engagement channels. Engaging with harder to reach groups and individuals is imperative to sound engagement.  

For instance, if you have a high level of CALD within your community consideration must be considered for translation of project information and opportunities in key community languages. Best-in-class online engagement software should include language translation as an integrated feature.

Thinking out of the box when identifying the engagement methods (and collateral) that are reflective of the nature of your consultative (eg: exploratory to contentious). For example for exploratory example, community members are more likely to get involved if the engagement methods are fun, easy, quick and visual.

For online engagement, select a platform which provides a wide variety of tools to accommodate difference stakeholder groups and consultations.  Using online engagement presents many advantages.

Engagement Hub is the only global fully-integrated. community engagement ,relationship management and insights reporting all-in-one software solution.

Contact us for a detailed proposal, book a demo to organize an online screen share and discussion of your objectives, or to explore the features in detail on our Engagement Hub demonstration site.

Read more about how simple it is to manage, the benefits, reporting, security and more.

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