An innovative project in the Perth Hills is empowering the Mundaring community to be involved in the early stages of the Shire’s Heritage Framework Review and additionally delivering time and cost savings.
Angus Money, Manager of Planning and Environment at the Shire of Mundaring said: “We decided to start engaging now before our Heritage Framework is due to be reviewed and to use this initial process to hone our collective knowledge of heritage sites within the community – knowing that we can benefit from and openly celebrate the expertise within our community.
“This early engagement allows us to better refine our scope for the project and reduce the overall cost. It also enables us all to ‘pull in the same direction’ and to capture the energy within our stakeholders and volunteers and bring that forward into the main process.”
“Our digital engagement platform with Engagement Hub, known as Engage Mundaring, has allowed us to present an open library of all our current Heritage places and to invite ideas, submissions and conversation on new or unknown Heritage items and our broader approach to heritage within our District.
“By handing the baton to our community, at least in the first stage, it empowers them and will reduce the demand on our resources internally.”
View the Community Heritage Assessment project on the Shire of Mundaring Engagement Hub Platform
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